Category Archives: Quotable

Advertising vs. Being Remarkable

Blendtec"Advertising is a tax you pay for being unremarkable."
-Geek Squad founder Robert Stephens

There are STILL plenty of very smart people in the world who have not begun to realize the power of the web. For some, it’s a fear of technology. Others have been too busy engaged in successful business. Still others just have their heads in the sand.

I was having a conversation with a group of very successful brick and mortar jewelers a couple of weeks ago. We were talking about my blogging class and they asked if I knew of any jewelers who have had any measure of success with blogging. I pointed them to and their use of a blog strategy to tie their name to celebrities and provide lots of in-bound links to products.

Then, they asked me if I could name a business that has achieved any kind of success with YouTube?

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Wizard of Ads Michele Miller on CNBC

I just want it known that I interviewed her several weeks before CNBC. You can hear my interview on our podcast.

CNBC spent a couple of hours at Michele’s home the other day for a 7-second soundbite to go along with this story about Home Depot opening a couple of new stores designed for women shoppers.

Michelemilleroncnbc They quote her on their web site (although they misspelled her name in the text version of the story).

There are two video pieces embedded in the story. The first is a straight feature, with Michele’s clip. The second video is the usual banter with the misogynist anchorman making an ass of himself. Actually, both videos seem a bit slippery. When the first one opens, I can picture Jack Black raising his eyebrows and saying a Home Depot ‘for the ladies.’

If you want to know more about how to do a better job at crafting your business message to appeal to women, join me in Austin on Oct 30 & 31 for Michele’s WonderBranding class. Michele’s got just a couple of open seats left in the class.

So, who’s watching CNBC? Did they run this story "for the ladies" or do they care?