Tag Archives: podcast

BrandingBlog Radio: Test My Marketing with Brian Schmitt

Have you ever poured your time and energy into an ad, or an email, or a blog post, video, phone message, sales pitch, or, or, or….?

Sometimes you are just too close to the issue to realize what may be wrong with your approach, the words you’ve choosen or the the fact that you might be leaving out something critical. TestMyMarketing.com is a place where you can upload your marketing message and have it critiqued by at least 3 marketing professionals who promise not to hold back. If you can take the heat, you’re message will be tempered by fire.

Back in August of 2011, the Awesome Sauce class at Wizard Academy birthed this baby business that was adopted by a couple of students. Brian Schmitt and Matt Lenhart decided that this was an idea that they could get behind and nurse into a full-grown enterprise. Now, more than half-a-year later, they’ve added another partner, changed the name and are in the middle of another launch mode.

I had a chance to catch up with Brian Schmitt last week to discuss how things are going. You’ll like what you hear…or your money back!


Soundbites: Impact Quotient – An ad’s power to convince

Chris: Welcome once again to BrandingBlog SoundBites with Wizard of Ads Partner Dave Young from BrandingBlog.com. I’m Chris Loghry. Hello Dave.

Dave: Hi Chris.

Chris: We wanted to talk about Impact Quotient. I would like to start by asking you what that means to a client. Continue reading

BrandingBlog Radio: Dennis Collins on Sales Management

Dennis Collins retired from a 42-year career in radio on October 6.

I caught up with him for this week’s podcast to gather a few of his priceless management and sales management gems of wisdom. We also talked about his future plans and how he will be making himself available for consulting and training opportunities. If I had a sales staff, Dennis would be my go-to guy. If you want me to put you in touch with Dennis, drop me a line.

This week’s podcast is sponsored by Shortcut Blogging.