BrandingBlog Radio: Dave Young on Why We Blog

It’s all me on this one. Join me on episode 13 as I reminisce about writing my first book back in 2003.

Highlights include me setting Roy H. Williams straight about the definition of a blog. Of course, he isn’t there to argue the point. I talk about how the almost 8-year-old book isn’t out of date.

Most importantly, I lay out the argument that you SHOULD be blogging and at the end I offer a tease about a new shortcut to blogging that Paul Boomer and I are offering to our friends.

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Download the PDF of the book.

I mentioned a couple of project collaborators…Walt Kane and Liz Roscovius.

Monday Morning Memo – The blog of Roy H. Williams

Why We Blog on Amazon Haha!  They still have a copy.


4 thoughts on “BrandingBlog Radio: Dave Young on Why We Blog

  1. Brian Schmitt


    I’ve listened to your last three podcasts today, CJ, Jean, and this one. They truly are fascinating. I’d love to be ‘in the know’ about your new “audio-bloginator” tool.

    1. Dave Young Post author

      Thanks Brian! It’s almost ready for prime time. I’ll let you know. Maybe we can run it through Testmymessage and get some good feedback. 😉

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