Tom Wanek's Ad-Speak Calculator

Remember this routine from George Carlin? He mentions nearly every hucksterism known to mankind. My colleague, Tom Wanek, has taken all of Carlin's phrases plus hundreds more and created a cool and free tool that allows you to paste in your ad copy to see how you rate. (Hint: the more your ads sound like ads, the more they blend into the background of the thousands of other ads your audience is subjected to each day.)

The key is to stand out by NOT sounding like every other ad. It's not easy. Here the link to the Ad-Speak Calculator.

2 thoughts on “Tom Wanek's Ad-Speak Calculator

  1. ajeet

    a nice thought from mr word-of-mouth, the key to stand out, never let be fraud to achieve our goals, accelerate our credibility to get more sales and drive traffics of backlinks. and let the customer’s picked the great deal. george and tom rocks!

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