BrandingBlog Radio: Pamela Yellen on Small Business Financing

Pamela Yellen opening up the very first box of Bank On Yourself books.

This week I interview Pamela Yellen, founder of Bank On Yourself and NYT best-selling author of the book of the same name.

Have you ever had a banker tell you “NO” just when you needed the money most? Of course, when else would they ever say “no?”

Pamela is a client of mine. She used to be a trainer in the financial services industry. She traveled all over the country teaching financial advisors how to market their practices. When she needed a sound financial plan for her own investments, you would think that she could have easily found an expert, huh? Well, after investigating 400 or so systems, she finally found one that worked to her satisfaction. She ended up quitting her training business to start Bank On Yourself. She’s made a believer of me in the nearly 3 years we’ve been working together.

It’s a financial concept that is foreign to many…and contrary to what some of the biggest gurus recommend. Of course, those gurus don’t seem to have very good answers for the average Americans who lost 40% of their retirement in 2008 and who are getting seasick watching the markets this month. In addition to providing guaranteed growth (and no loss of principle), her clients sleep like babies at night. Not a bad deal.

I snapped this pic back in February of 2009. I was at her home outside of Santa Fe, NM working on the beginnings of her web site when her first box of books arrived from her publisher.

5 thoughts on “BrandingBlog Radio: Pamela Yellen on Small Business Financing

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