BrandingBlog Radio: Irene Watson on Book Publishing

Irene Watson’s media empire focuses primarily on self-published authors who need reviews, publicity and coaching for making the most of the book creation and promotion experience.

Her site, Readerviews, offers a wealth of knowledge archived over years of helping authors. Her services are priced and sized just right for authors trying to break into a bigger pool of  exposure.

I first met Irene at Wizard Academy. She took the Blog and Web workshop from Paul Boomer and me several years ago.

I really had a good time catching up and learning about the many things she can do to help someone maximize the potential of their book.

3 thoughts on “BrandingBlog Radio: Irene Watson on Book Publishing

  1. Chester Hull

    Dave and Irene, 
    I just listened to this Branding Blog interview about Book Publishing, and it was the single most actionable podcast I’ve ever heard! You both gave me some tremendous ideas, and I’m very excited about it! Probably going to have to go back and listen again to get even more out of it!

    Thank you both!

  2. Dave Young

    It’s been almost a year since Irene and I recorded this interview. I got sad news yesterday.  Irene lost her battle with pancreatic cancer on Nov 5 ’12. I spent an hour listening to our conversation today and re-living some of our times at Wizard Academy in my mind.

    Independent authors have truly lost a good friend, in Irene.

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