TypePad told me they were going to do this a couple of weeks ago. You’d think I would have swept up the place a bit before company arrived. But, that’s not me.
So, have a look around. Let me know if you have any questions. If you want to read more of my writing, you’ll find some at:
And, I’ve been toying with another site for a few weeks. Should probably say "under construction", but what the heck, stop by anyway.
FREE OFFER: If you’re a business owner, and haven’t read "Waiting for Your Cat To Bark?" yet, drop me a line and I’ll send you a copy. Really. (limited supply). Just describe your business to me in an email.
Congratulations, Dave! A well deserved honor! Hope that means you’ll still talk to us peons now that you’re blog royalty.
David, buen trabajo, felicitaciones! eres un mago del internet!
CONGRATULATIONS on one of your many accomplishments!
Adrienne Zurub
‘Notes From the Mothership ~ The Naked Invisibles’ due out 11/2007
I saw that a blog on branding was the featured blog on typepad as I raced by to check our blogs recent stats… thought, “Hmmm… I should check out what it has to say…” had no idea it was my good buddy Dave! Sweet!
Congratulations! Well done.
Do you think the lessons in “Waiting for Your Cat to Bark” also apply to social marketing?
I work in Southeast Alaska for a Native Health Consortium, and I am looking for better ways to reach the people who are pre-contemplative.
You’ll get a lot of good out of the book. Send me your address and I’ll get one in the mail right away.