It was a Day of Days

Dave_young_and_nellie_mckay Just got back to my room after hearing Nellie McKay cap off the annual Wizard Academy reunion. That was fun! She played for an hour and stayed to sign autographs and take pics with us. A nice cozy crowd of about 100 people. If you don’t know who Nellie McKay is, you should find out.

We had a few warm-up numbers from Peter Nevland and Phil Sheeran.

Too fun for words!

2 thoughts on “It was a Day of Days

  1. Dave Young

    Craig, she enjoyed the concert as well. I think she was apprehensive going to the middle of Texas to play for a group called “Wizard Academy”. Once she figured out we aren’t a cult, it was fine. She played some of her best liberal material, and nobody batted an eye. We enjoyed it for what it represents…a talented emerging voice of a new generation.

    BTW…I forgot to thank Dennis Collins for the iPhone photo!

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