Dear Blog Reader,

I’ll be meeting this week with my fellow Wizard of Ads Partners at our annual get-together. (what do you call a gathering of Wizards, anyway?) So, if our blogs seem a big slow, you’ll know why.

I’ve got a favor to ask of you.

If you currently subscribe to this blog through a news aggregator, would you please re-subscribe with the feedburner link at the right.  It’s the orange RSS thingy with the flame on it.

You might want to try feedburner yourself. It’s a way of estimating the number of people who are reading your blog via RSS. I’m giving it a whirl.



1 thought on “Dear Blog Reader,

  1. Robin Capper

    I’ve added a Feedburner feed to my site but left the direct TypePad Feed. Still not sure about “handing the feed to 3rd party” so thought I’d let market forces rule. I haven’t seen much activity on it yet. Be interested to hear how you find it.

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