BrandingBlog Radio: CJ Romberger on Connecting

An interview with CJ Romberger is a tough thing to nail down. I finally got her to sit still long enough to have a recording session on a day when she is monitoring half-a-dozen wildfires near her Austin home, AND trying to work, AND keep track of a whole bunch of other people. I think that’s kind of funny, and if you know CJ, you’ll find the humor in it.

We talked mainly about the rules of engagement in online communication for businesses (and people who work at businesses.)

I’m sure you’ll be hearing more from CJ as the podcasting continues…

Contact info for CJ Romberger:

Her personal blog

CJ on Facebook

Wildwood Interactive

4 thoughts on “BrandingBlog Radio: CJ Romberger on Connecting

  1. Kevin

    Dave & CJ
    I really enjoyed this pod cast. Less than 5 min. into it, I signed up for Branding Blogs email subscription. I feel there is much information that can be used by someone in my position as I try to grow my dream into a successful business.
    Thank you both.
    PS it was also very nice to hear your voices instead of just reading posts! you have a great radio voice Dave.

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