Today’s MMMemo from Roy H. Williams sparked an hour-long chase through the Nobel Prize lecture site. Aroo!
After reading the Richard Sperry reference, I decided to read Kerry Mullis’ remarks following his Prize for inventing the Polymerase Chain Reaction in 1993. What a great read.
The exciting thing is that Mullis is a graduate of the Magical Worlds and stays in close contact with Roy. Wait until you hear about what Kerry’s working on right now. It’ll make the PCR look like tinker toys. You won’t hear about it from me. You’ll read about it on the front page of every newspaper and website and network in about a year.
Now, on to the MMMemo. More insight on how the brain works. The interesting thing is that Roy doesn’t quote the marketing folks, he quotes the Nobel Prize winners. Enjoy.
By Roy H. Williams
"And all shall be well and All manner of thing shall be well When the tongues of flame are in-folded Into the crowned knot of fire And the fire and the rose are one." In this strange passage from Little Gidding, poet T.S. Eliot links the mental image of a rose to the image of an infolded knot of flame. We see the connection; yes, a rose does look something like a knot of fire.
Much has been written about intuition and creativity. Most of it is wrong.
Continue reading Monday Morning Memo for February 28, 2005
PS…If you decide to attend the Magical Worlds workshop because you first read about it here, drop me a note. I’m always interested in learning more about like-minded readers of my blog. Have a super week!