Signup Now for a free Bootstrap Business Book

I wish I could have been in Austin for the Bootstrap Business Bootcamp debut at Wizard Academy. Rich Christiansen and Ron Porter had a super group of students a couple weeks ago.

Bootstrapbig I can't say enough good things about this book and the expertise behind it. I had a very early manuscript and I knew that it was just the kind of information that a person needs in the very early stages of starting a business.

Since then, I've been able to spend a fair amount of time with these guys. Rich has helped me put some proper focus into my own business and my life. These guys are the real deal. They live what they write about and they can teach you how to do the same…especially now that their Bootstrap program is up and running.

I've got an extra signed copy of Bootstrap Business: A Step-by-Step Business Survival Guide. (You can't have my copy…because it's dog-eared and full of notes and hi-liting)

Here's how to win it:
  Just enter your name and email address in my subscription form at the top of the right hand column. I just put this form on the site and I'd appreciate some help in testing it. I'll draw one winner from today's subscribers only.

I've got some pretty cool offerings coming up in the next few months, so subscribing will definitely be worth your while, even if you don't win the book. More on that later…

1 thought on “Signup Now for a free Bootstrap Business Book

  1. saf h

    Hello! I’ve heard about Rich’s one year mentoring program and my partners and I were approached about working with Bootstrap Business…. After a screening call with what sounds like a salesperson I am trying to find out more about that arm of Bootstrap Business, preferably before we talk to the Director of Acceptance. I would love to know if you were involved with this program and

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