CityBranding – Texas Style

Those who have been following the posts on place-branding will love this one.

Line up the branding consultants and start paying out the cash!

Question: McKinney wants a consultant to come up with a slogan that promotes a positive image of the city. What advice or suggestions do you have for McKinney or other cities looking to brand themselves? | News for Dallas, Texas | Collin County Opinion

[btw…it’s one of those subscriber newspaper sites. Somewhere I read that if you sign in with “” and “latimes” it will work on most of these stupid newspaper sites. It’s never failed me yet.]

1 thought on “CityBranding – Texas Style

  1. Greg Gillispie

    First of all, if I have to spend time “joining” a newspaper just to read a bit of it, I might as well have a person call to sell me a subscription.

    In 1990, I began working with an ailing Las Vegas rock radio station. It needed a total facelift. The station’s call letters were KOMP – pronounced like the service so many hotels would do for their guests. Rather than the passive “Rock of Las Vegas,” I thought “KOMP Rocks Vegas” would be direct and give the station an opportunity to brand the city name to fit their image. But the guys at the station said no one likes the city to be refered to as “Vegas” so they wouldn’t use it. Yeah right!

    Next, I had what I thought was a brilliant idea for a city slogan – “Las Vegas…it brings out the rest in you.” Unfortunately, the city was just beginning its quest to be a family destination and thought the idea was a bit sleazy. And look at the city now…not a place for the family…

    Lastly, an idea for the local UPN television affiliate resulted in immediate interest and implementation. With programming like what UPN offered and the overall attitude of the city and state, I coined the phrase “Nevadatude” and it stuck!

    OK Dallas, you want some help? Send me an email. But it’ll cost ya and you gotta do what I tell ya!

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