A few random observations from Austin:


I had a blast today teaching my blogging workshop at Wizard Academy. More on some new blogs at a later date.

Search engines results crack me up. Looking through my stats I discovered that I’m the number 14 result on Google for “larry the cable guy t-shirts” because of this post. I don’t care who you are, that’s funny!

Dinner tonight was with Juan Guillermo Tornoe. We had a terrific discussion on how he can help Anglo-owned businesses realize much greater success with the growing American Hispanic market. When Cabela’s opens their stores here in Texas, this will be a huge factor for them. He’d be a tremendously valuable consultant for them. Anybody listening?

I’m looking forward to sitting through Mark Fox’s seminar tomorrow on Systematic Idea Generation. I’ve been asked to say a few words to introduce him. Hmmm. “This is the guy my 5th grade teacher said I could be if I only applied myself.” I’m sure it will be something like that. He’s a rocket scientist. No kidding. A rocket scientist.

Thanks for stopping by. That’s it for now.

4 thoughts on “A few random observations from Austin:

  1. Chris Busch

    Hey Dave –

    The blogging class was great. I’m on my way now with my very own blog. I’d recommend anyone considering the course get your audio book first on Why We Blog. That’s what I did and I found it helped set the stage for the class. Thanks again for all your help.

  2. Yvonne DiVita

    Way to go, Dave. You are my inspiration. I held a blogging boot camp this past weekend, also. I can only hope I did blogging justice. Love your picture…wish I’d thought of that! BTW, what’s your opinion on folks allowing ads on their blogs??

  3. Dave Young

    Thanks for the nice comments!
    We gave our graduates a certificate that is a “License to Blog”.
    As for ads, I think that’s an individual choice. When I started this blog, I had Google Adwords on the site. Unfortunately, they all pointed to competitors. While I like a bit of revenue as much as anyone, I can’t see promoting a bunch of other branding consultants. (although I do have links to a bunch of folks)
    So the answer is, “It depends.”

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