Category Archives: musings

Two Nights in Phoenix

Coldthermometer_2 It was 4 degrees when we left home on Tuesday. I can understand why all of these smart old people winter in Phoenix.

Mrs. Brandingblog joined me on this trip and I can understand why.

Michele Miller and I met with a client on Wednesday for an annual marketing checkup.

We had two fabulous meals…Tuesday night at Michele and Ron‘s house where we also got some good playtime in with Pennie the Wonderdog.

Wednesday night found us at Durant’s in uptown Phoenix with my old buddy Vince, now with Gannett and the Arizona Republic. I love good food and catching up with good friends.

Durant’s is old school big city steakhouse. The entrance from the valet parking takes you right through the kitchen. Once inside, you kind of expect to look around and find Tony Soprano holding court in one of the bigger booths. Durant’s web site is awful. Maybe that’s another post in the making.

Waiting at PHX to head back to cold country. I sure feel stupid carrying around a parka in Arizona.

Are You Still in Your Comfort Zone?

Drive_2 Are you doing anything that makes you uncomfortable?

A couple of days ago, on the way out to our WWII Vintage Munitions Storage Bunker, I let my 12-year-old daughter drive. Shhh. Don’t tell. BTW…she’s pretty darned good. It’s a step into the land of discomfort.

Yes, it’s really an explosives storage facility.

General_instructions Here’s the sign from inside the door. There are some other good pics of the facility here. Don’t worry, the only things stored in these things since the 1960s are grain, furniture and crap that won’t sell at garage sales.

Today, I put myself in the care of a personal trainer. There’s a step beyond the comfort zone.

Yesterday, I committed to teaching at Wizard Academy again. Thanks Roy! I needed the kick in the butt.

I hope that some of you who sent emails yesterday will actually step out of your fear of the web and register for the class!

PRO Convention in Portland

I_am_the_internet I just finished a week in Portland, Oregon delivering 5 presentations to the Photographic Research Organization’s convention. What a great group of dedicated retail store owners. I absolutely love the passion that locally-owned stores have for their customers. These folks get together each year for a very fast-paced meeting full of educational sessions, product information and a buying expo with all of the big manufacturers in the digital photography industry.

I gave presentations on Buying Word of Mouth, the Advertising Performance Equation, Persuasion Architecture and threw in a few fun tidbits as well like my Ad Budget Calculator.

I got a real kick out a TV campaign put together by Jerry Sullivan of Precision Camera in Austin. The ads cut to the heart of the challenge these people have in convincing us that they are the best places to buy today’s digital cameras. Have a look. The series of 5 TV spots spoof the "I’m a Mac" campaign. They’re all on YouTube.