What's In A Name?

If you’re considering a name change for your company (or a name for a new company) in the coming year, you should definitely have a look at Roy H. William’s latest Monday Morning Memo. It may also convince you to attend your first Wizard Academy.

You’ll want to read the entire memo, but here’s a quote:

Here’s a general overview:

Open Big. Close Big. FMI-LMI

Make us see it clearly. "Memorable" is more important than "Accurate." Be accurate if you can. But above all, be memorable.

Verbs have magnetism. The most vivid order is Verb First, Object Last. But this is not a likely construct for a place name. "We train champions" is an example of verb first, object last.

Modifiers are a mark of weakness. Delete them at every opportunity. Mark Twain said it this way, "Substitute ‘damn’ every time you’re inclined to write ‘very’; your editor will edit it and the writing will be just as it should be."

4 thoughts on “What's In A Name?

  1. Chris Brown

    Good stuff. Thanks for sharing your insights and views.

    Have you seen Martin’s blog at The Branding Blog? He just posted his 3rd set of tips on how to create a brand name.

    Chris Brown,
    owner, Marketing Resources & Results.

  2. Pavansut

    Good article. Perfect timing, considering that ATT/Cingular have decided to rebrand Cingular service with ATT name. The venerable name has been resurrected twice now, once after the merger with Bell South, and once again now, with Cingular adopting the ATT wireless name. Read more on my blog http://www.pavansut.blogspot.com

  3. Michel Jansen

    In general a brand name possess equity, but mostly this equity is due to the underlying brand identity this name is referring to. From that perspective one should always consider the kind of identity you want to represent as it is the brand identity with which you develop a meaningful relationship with the consumer.

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