Category Archives: Monday Feature

Just a few seats left in Blog/Web Workshop

Roy Williams gave a nice plug to my blog/web workshop at the end of today's Rabbit Hole in today's Monday Morning Memo.

Blog/Web Workshop at Wizard Academy We'll be teaching the class using an innovative and relatively easy WordPress system. It's not the free blog you can get on, but it's an easier path than doing the whole self-hosting thing where you've got to buy hosting, do the FTP thing, apply themes, etc.

Who is the class for? If you've been using your computer for quite a while, but have never ventured out past the safe harbor of browsing and reading email, we can get you rolling. We've taken folks who didn't even know that there was such a thing as a right-click on their mouse and turned them into bloggers.

If you've experimented
with pointy-clicky editing and content management systems quite a bit, you may find the course to be a bit more elementary than you would like. You are still VERY welcome to attend, but we may ask you to help your classmates along!

So, you'll walk away with a website and integrated blog. You'll have a much better idea of how the internet works and why blogs are a big part of the glue that binds it all together. You'll understand the basics of how a design is chopped up and applied to a site. You'll also get a bonus session where you'll develop the outline of an entire year's worth of blogging, or the outline to your next book.

You'll get all of that…if there's still a seat left.

The Goal is to Make The Phone Ring

As promised, this week Roy H. Williams shows how to write the ads that will get the phone to ring. And remember:

"Now let me make this clear: The goal is to make the phone ring. Whether or not the caller buys the advertised house is unimportant. The realtor just wants to meet folks who are thinking of moving.  He or she wants a shot at listing their current home. If the respondent doesn’t like the home you featured, the realtor will happily drive them to see some other ones."

For any Wizard Academy grads, he also announced that the reunion will be October 11. Anyone else scrambling to fit it into an already too busy October?