Are you on the Easy Road? What's it costing you?

Steven Pressfield's "The War of Art" I'm reading Steven Pressfield's "The War of Art" for the 3rd time. There's nothing like a good kick in the ass from Pressfield to get my head back on straight.

People talk about Fear of Failure. When you boil it all down, the simple fact is that failure is just plain easier than success. In my opinion (and I have a great deal of experience here) nobody is afraid of failing. Nobody is afraid of succeeding. It's just harder to take the path less traveled. It's less traveled for a reason: It's the harder path.

I think one of Pressfield's most glaring examples is Adolph Hitler. As a young man, Hitler studied art. Have you ever seen one of his paintings? Of course not. Why? Because it was easier to take over Europe than to work on becoming a good painter.

So, as a business owner, what's holding you back? What is the nature of the "easy" road you're on? What extra effort/money/time would it take to strike out on a road that has the potential to fulfill your dreams?

My fees typically come off of the top of the business owner's ad budget. Whenever the price of services arises, I'm asked, "What do I get for my money?" My answer: "What are you getting now?"

The easy road involves doing the same old things in the same old comfortable ways. Don't ruffle feathers, don't rock the boat, steady as she goes. If that's working for you, why are you reading marketing blogs instead of marching down your comfortable road? (ouch)

So, what are you getting now?

1 thought on “Are you on the Easy Road? What's it costing you?

  1. Andrew B. Clark

    Nice… great and inspirational, David! Thank you!

    Resistance is kryptonite to a LOT of Super Entrepreneurs, and to keep this post in mind would serve their inspiration well.

    Keep Cooking!
    Andrew B. Clark
    The Brand Chef

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