Still rooms left for Fight the Big Boys and Win

Dandridgeandwanek3 Unbelievable. There are still a few rooms of student housing available for next week’s inaugural session of "Fight the Big Boys and Win" at Wizard Academy.

I was talking to Mike Dandridge yesterday about the class. He and co-teacher Tom Wanek have a lot of fun planned and everyone should come away with a plan to really take the customer experience of their business to a higher level. Customer experience is what triggers word of mouth. An average customer experience won’t do it. The experience has to be lousy (for negative word of mouth…hehehe) or remarkable. Think about that word: Remarkable. That’s what it takes.

It’s getting kind of late for plane tickets, I know. The experience of attending your first class at Wizard Academy PLUS the opportunity to stay at Engelbrecht House on campus with your fellow students is a REMARKABLE event.

If you live in Austin, be sure to check it out. We have one student, owner of a prosperous accounting firm in Austin, who regularly stays on campus for classes. She lives just down the road. Literally a 12-minute walk from Wizard Academy.

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