Making Ads Work: Cheap Imports vs. Aussie Beef… Gary Makes a Stand

SwordCraig Arthur has posted another terrific story about one of his clients defending his "sword in the stone." In this case, it’s an uncompromising position defended by an astounding 110% money back guarantee.

It’s a great read. AND as a special bonus, it’s written in that unique Aussie-speak and includes such phrases as "by gumby gumbies" and "by crikey". Nice job, mate.

Craig’s client reminds me of my Canadian friend Dean who is waging a lonely battle to continue to produce Canadian baby clothing in Canada, after all the big name Canadian brands have moved offshore.

Gary (in Australia) and Dean (in Canada) both deserve the support of their fellow citizens.

Key line from Gary’s site:  Are you tired of gnawing on tough, tasteless meat from the supermarket?

Key line from Dean’s site: The only Canadian baby clothes actually made in Canada by Canadians.

Link: Making Ads Work: Cheap Imports vs. Aussie Beef… Gary Makes a Stand.