Let's Get Together in Nashville: We're having a Wizard Seminar!

A bunch of my fellow Wizard of Ads Partners are throwing a party seminar in the Music City. It’s gonna be a lot of fun very educational. Wanna come along?

  • Hotelentrance Do you make decisions that impact a business?
  • Do you have the courage to actually do something differently?
  • Do you want to communicate more powerfully?

Take away a wealth of persuasively potent tools you can begin using immediately to Boom Your Business on Friday and Saturday, August 1st and 2nd, at the Sheraton Music City Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee.

It’s just $299 for two days. Strictly limited to the first 200 who register.

A 2-day event with this line-up should cost you at least $1,200. Why are we only charging $299? You’re thinking that you’re going to get a sales pitch, right? Nope. Nothing of the sort.

We’re charging less because this is the first time. We’re working out the bugs before we take this event on tour. You won’t be asked to buy anything else. The Wizard of Ads Partners do not solicit business. They are teachers first.

Ready to go back to school?  Raise your hand.