For REI, Felt Need = Shared Experience

One of the toughest challenges in creating an ad is uncovering the "felt need" of the customer. In other words, what is it that the customer is really looking for?

When we recall an adventure, the story is always about the hardship we endured, the humor along the way, the connections we made. It's always about the journey, seldom the arrival.

Outdoor giant REI's first venture into television, shows that their agency understands this concept. If you are into the outdoors, you're no doubt already aware of REI. The ads serve to make you feel good about them, and they connect that "felt need" with the company that can equip you to comfortably endure your adventure.

Branding is becoming the company people think of first and feel best about when the need for your product or service arises in the mind of the consumer.

See more at REI's Youtube channel.

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